Composting is a natural process that transforms organic waste materials, such as kitchen scraps, yard waste, and in our case, BioGown® and BioBaggy, into a nutrient-rich soil conditioner known as compost. This process, facilitated by microorganisms including bacteria and fungi, not only helps reduce landfill waste but also enriches the soil, promoting healthier plant growth and contributing to a circular, sustainable economy.

Lets Talk Compost

Terralom's commercial composting process begins when used BioGowns® and BioBaggies are placed into designated Terraloam composting bins within healthcare facilities. Once these bins are full, our waste hauling partners collect them as part of a scheduled pick-up system.

The collected bins are transported to our commercial composting facility. Here, under controlled environmental conditions, the BioGowns® and BioBaggies undergo the composting process. This involves several stages including the initial decomposition phase, followed by a thermophilic, or high heat phase, which eliminates pathogens. This is then followed by a curing period to ensure full decomposition.

The process results in a nutrient-rich compost, an environmentally-friendly soil conditioner that is used to enrich the soil in community gardens and for local landscaping projects. Our commercial composting process not only minimizes waste but also contributes to local greening efforts, helping build healthier communities.

So, Commercial Composting...

Home Composting using a Tumbler

Here's how to compost your BioBaggy in a compost tumbler:

Prepare your tumbler: Make sure your compost tumbler is clean and ready for use. It should be positioned in a place that gets a mix of sun and shade throughout the day.

Add your BioBaggy®: After usage, you can add your BioBaggy to the compost tumbler. It provides carbon and would be considered a "brown" material.

Add Green Materials: Along with your BioBaggy, you should add "green" materials such as vegetable peels, fruit scraps, coffee grounds, or grass clippings. These provide necessary nitrogen.

Balance your compost: A balanced compost tumbler contains a mix of both "green" and "brown" materials. If the compost becomes too wet, add more "browns". If it's too dry, add more "greens" or a bit of water.

Turn the tumbler: One advantage of a compost tumbler is the ease of turning. Regularly turn your compost tumbler according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure proper aeration, which speeds up the composting process.

Wait for compost: Over a few weeks or months, your BioBaggy along with the other organic materials will decompose into a nutrient-rich compost. Once it looks like dark, crumbly topsoil and smells earthy, it is ready to use in your garden.

By using a compost tumbler, you can compost your BioBaggy with ease and convenience, creating a valuable resource for your garden while reducing waste.

As you've discovered, the journey of a BioBaggy or BioGown® doesn't end when it's no longer needed; it just begins a new life as nutrient-rich compost. We invite you to see this transformation for yourself at our community gardens in Charlotte. Witness firsthand how yesterday's BioGown® or BioBaggy helps grow today's lush, green spaces, and inspires the local communities.

Experience the magic of sustainability in action by strolling through the gardens, appreciating the flora that thrives thanks to the compost made from our products. Let's celebrate together how simple changes can make a big difference in our world. Our garden gates are always open to visitors interested in a greener, healthier planet. See you soon!

See for yourself

We are excited to announce the launch of our innovative Children's Composting Exhibit at the renowned Salt Block in Hickory, NC.

Designed to educate and inspire, this interactive installation offers children an immersive exploration into the fascinating world of composting. Here, they discover the full lifecycle of our products, from their initial use as a BioGown® or BioBaggy to their transformation into nutrient-rich compost.

We highlight the integral role of microorganisms, the importance of optimal composting conditions, and the vital timeframe required for the process. By simplifying complex scientific concepts into engaging, hands-on activities, we aim to instill a strong understanding of sustainability principles in our young visitors. Join us at the Salt Block and empower the eco-warriors of tomorrow with the knowledge they need today.

Explore the Magic of Composting: Interactive Children's Exhibit Now Open at The Salt Block.

What We're Up To